Tag: democracy

picture of a track and field starting line

Belarus: Political Olympics

Nicolas Butylin follows up on his recent article analysing democratic backsliding in Belarus to ...

photo of the crowd at a pro-democracy protest in Belarus

Belarus’ fight for democracy is crucial for Europe’s future

For nearly a year now, people in Belarus have been taking to the streets ...

poster calling to free Russian opposition activist Alexei Navalny

Alexei Navalny: Russian opposition – EU complacency?

6th Sense Staff Writer Maria Taskinen explores what the blacklisting of Alexei Navalny’s political ...

Let future generations participate!

Why and how to include future generations in EU decision-making procedures? Considering an accelerating ...

The beginner’s guide on how to take advantage of a pandemic (European Edition)

Are you a government experiencing some difficulties in capturing state institutions? Are you part ...

Poland: Voting Rights Under Attack Ahead of Presidential Elections

Since Poland’s populist right-wing Law and Justice (PiS) party secured both the presidency and ...

The golden gates to Fortress Europe

The numbers of immigrants coming to Europe has decreased since 2015 – but at ...