
The Magazine

Golf Club Europe

The idea of a “Europe of the Regions” is popular among intellectuals in many ...

The golden gates to Fortress Europe

The numbers of immigrants coming to Europe has decreased since 2015 – but at ...

Summer in Lisbon: The costs of a booming tourism industry

Looking back at the summer in Lisbon and its usual flow of tourists, E&M‘s ...

Big Brother is watching you: From the UK to the rest of Europe?

In light of the recent surveillance bill passed in the UK, E&M’s Isabell Wutz ...

EU blue

I have been to the moon, mama seen the hell fires of doom I ...

Cheap Shots: Most haunted

All over Europe, provocative politicians are invoking the past. Here we imagine what would ...

Ocean Climax: When music meets politics

From the 8th to the 11th of September, Bordeaux (France) hosted its second Ocean ...