
Poland: Voting Rights Under Attack Ahead of Presidential Elections

Since Poland’s populist right-wing Law and Justice (PiS) party secured both the presidency and ...

Smoke-free home – clash between children’s rights and right to privacy

Too many children live with smoking parents or carers and as such are daily ...

Can EU-inspired ideas bring progress to the Catalan-Spanish conundrum?

The political conflict over Catalan independence that raised to prominence in 2012 has since ...

Eastern Europe’s demographic problem

Thomas Malthus predicted overpopulation to be the gravest problem of mankind in the future. ...

The new race to space

As a scholar of European Space Policy, Julia Lohse shares her perspective on Europe’s ...

France: A “territoire hostile”

France had had a large influx of immigrants in the 20th century, particularly from ...

Greenwashing: How to trust companies to be sustainable?

Jessica Verheij highlights instances of greenwashing across several industries and urges E&M readers to ...

Behind the Scenes: Working towards inclusion

Following on her recent essay on segregation in Malmö, Samaré Gozal gives E&M readers ...