Mykolas Steponavičius retro

Mykolas Steponavičius is a Master‘s student at the Sciences Po School of Public Affairs. He graduated with a BSc in Politics, Psychology, Law and Economics (PPLE) at the University of Amsterdam. In between studies, he has shortly worked as a policy analyst and as an assistant to a member of Lithuanian parliament. His interest include education and economic policy, as well as history and literature.

News stories from pandemic politics

If it seems that in the past years, things have been going off the ...

I have figured it out

Editor of Diaphragm – Mykolas Steponavičius – takes a deep yet satirical look at the ongoing ...

A tribute to modern society

Welcome to modern society – where possibilities are endless and yet mediocrity reigns. It’s ...

Eastern Europe’s demographic problem

Thomas Malthus predicted overpopulation to be the gravest problem of mankind in the future. ...