Diána Vonnák retro

Diána Vonnák is an anthropology PhD candidate at the Max Planck Institute and lives in Leipzig. She is originally from Budapest. She is currently working on cultural heritage in Lviv, Ukraine. When not obsessing about the built environment and Eastern Europe she is a managing editor at E&M and tries to be on the road as much as she can. She also reviews translated Hungarian literature regularly.

Between War and a Hard Place – Tales from Mariupol

There was once a Cossack fortress at the mouth of Kalmius river where it ...

Tackling urban climate change

The global focus on climate change is hiding the slowly devastating effect it is ...


History and the Euromaidan in Lviv

History is playing a role in many crucial aspects of the Ukrainian crisis: it ...


Central-Eastern Euroscepticism

Euroscepticism is bigger than ever. But while UKIP steal the headlines, Central-Eastern Europe has ...


Disquiet and Civil Action in Eastern Europe

Recent protests have brought into focus the state of democracy in Eastern Europe and ...


Pathfinders for Roma integration

European-wide Roma integration has remained largely unsuccessful for generations and they are increasingly the target ...

Boobs for sex or boobs for babies?

It’s been a long time since Woodstock and the beat generation, but the idea ...