Issue #54

With the Olympics in Tokyo coming to an end today, not all is said and done. As some athletes have come forward to denounce sexism and mental abuse, Friederike Sandow writes on the lows of this year’s Olympics, while Lisa O’Leary reflects on what needs to change for mental health to be taken serious. And there is more: Dominik Barabasi kicks off a series on the current situation in Hungary, and Nichole Wanjirũ gives us a very personal account on institutional racism. With an eye on the future, Jessica Verheij questions what’s behind the 2021 EU Year of Rail, and Jurek Wötzel imagines how it would be to live in a world with competent and trustworthy politicians.

Royal Palace Amsterdam colonial legacy

The enduring legacy of institutional racism

From double standards in media to knowledge and cultural appropriation – features of institutional ...

balcony in communist building

Hungary: Hundred(s) years of frustration (Part 1)

A series of opinion pieces analysing Hungary’s political situation by understanding historical factors (part ...

New radical party promises the electorate candidates they actually like

Normal is the new radical, says E&M editor Jurek Wötzel! Or at least in ...

Photo by Jernej Graj (Unsplash), Unsplash licence

How to get naked in Germany

E&M Lisa O’ Leary reassess her relationship with nudity as a lapsed Irish Catholic living in Germany.  It’s hard being an ...

Mental Health: Can the EU do better?

E&M’s Lisa O’ Leary takes a look at the mental health landscape in Europe. ...


Olympic Rage

There’s a lot going on at the Olympics, which took place from 23rd of ...

train station

European Year of Rail: Our sustainable future?

You might have heard of it: 2021 is the European Year of Rail. E&M‘s ...