Tag: politics

Democracy in the bedroom: 404 not found.

This issue of E&M looks at democracy in all its beauty as well its ...

Lukashenka’s migration policies threaten Europe 

After rigging the elections in 2020, A. Lukashenka has decided to retaliate against his ...

News stories from pandemic politics

If it seems that in the past years, things have been going off the ...

New radical party promises the electorate candidates they actually like

Normal is the new radical, says E&M editor Jurek Wötzel! Or at least in ...

picture of a track and field starting line

Belarus: Political Olympics

Nicolas Butylin follows up on his recent article analysing democratic backsliding in Belarus to ...

Mosaic old building in Chisinau

Moldova’s never-ending political crisis

Political turmoil in Eastern European countries does not calm down at the moment. While ...

photo of seats in parliament - most likely to be filled by a third of women in politics

Women in parliament: The everlasting ‘one-third’

Women make up half of Europe’s population, yet less than half of Europe’s parliamentarians ...

picture of LGBTQ flags - no gay homophobes in sight

Gay homophobes? Time to retire the trope

Most recently played by former MEP József Szájer, the character of the ‘gay homophobe’ ...