In the 21st century, in a globalised world, in a Europe tackling many questions of identity, Muslim women are still trying to find their place.

In a constantly changing society that challenges interculturalism, living together and diversity every day, Muslim women are put in the centre of a sterile debate around their image (ie. the right to express themselves or not) and to some extent outer religious signs and public appearances.

Furthermore, some media and politicians often depict a stereotypical binary representation of Muslim women either as oppressed or as dangerous – and in doing so, never considering Muslim women as active agents. It is high time to let Muslim women speak for themselves, and, above all, respect their own personal choices. Need we point out that everyone has the right to express their beliefs and philosophies?

Besides, out of this particular socioeconomic context arise many tensions, providing fertile grounds for intolerance and discrimination.

Some media and politicians often depict a stereotypical binary representation of Muslim women either as oppressed or as dangerous – and in doing so, never considering Muslim women as active agents

As a matter of fact, Muslim women experience the same inequalities as other women in employment and in relation to verbal and physical violence, but they are compounded by additional factors of (perceived) religion and/or ethnicity. An overwhelming majority of the feminist movement is struggling to be intersectional and inclusive, failing to raise awareness for the plight of Muslim women. If anything, this negative attention to Muslim women in media and political discourse is a major contributing factor in growing discriminatory practices and violence towards Muslim women, a pressing issue that is failing to be addressed.

Europe still has a lot to do regarding women’s issues, especially gender equality, violence and discrimination. And this lack of place and consideration Europe is giving to Muslim women is striking, revealing a huge gap between discourse and practice. Is Europe becoming an unwelcoming land to diversity? Are the lessons of the Enlightenment no longer shining on its ground? Has Europe lost its points of reference?

It is high time to focus on finding points of convergence instead of constantly pointing out differences. In a world that is filled with so many tensions, diversity is really a treasure we should be nurturing, not discarding.

  • retro

    Editor, translator, writer for Peace, born and raised in Brussels, Belgium, Aamaly - alias Amal El Gharbi -, is concerned and involved in social and women issues. Her blog "Aamaly mag" is a bilingual online space created after an inspirational trip to Canada to share insights on women conditions, education and society, but also her passion for fashion. Click here for her blog, Instagram and Facebook

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