Study like

Study like: Roger Federer

Want to be the best without ever running or looking less than perfect. Sounds ...

Study like… ABBA

It’s time to take a few life tips from one of pop music’s most ...

Robert Burns

Study like… Robert Burns

In need of some inspiration on a dark winter’s day? To that end, we ...

Study like… Miloš Zeman

Feeling a bit unsure as to your future career plans? Why not take some ...

pulitzer teaser

Study like… Joseph Pulitzer

Feeling a bit unsure as to your future career plans? Why not take some ...

Study like… Simone de Beauvoir

Hanging in the air a little when it comes to your future? Well, taking ...

Study Like Lord Byron

There are not too many ways of which we can think to reach mastery ...


Study like… Goethe-and-Schiller

The master of the dramatic. The Poet Duke of German literature. Two-headed he stands ...

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