Niklas Illenseer retro

Equipped with a background in Economics, Niklas currently studies Environmental Policy at Sciences Po Paris and Political Science at FU Berlin. Socio-ecological politics, political economy, and intersectional feminism ring his bell as much as queer pop culture references, nutritional yeast, and good food.
farmer taking care of his land - context of the CAP reform

EU agriculture reform: Short-term wins and long-term losses

6th Sense Staff Writer Niklas Illenseer grew up in rural Germany, surrounded by fields ...

Image of a protest poster saying 'boys will be held accountable' - yes, all men are implicated in sexism

Yes, all men.

The murder of Sarah Everard in London has sparked protests and a broader discussion ...

photo of the Covid-19 vaccine

Global COVID-19 vaccine inequality: Health for sale?

Amidst reports of crumbling EU vaccine solidarity, 6th Sense staff writer Niklas Illenseer interrogates ...