Milen Iliev retro

When not writing insulting articles, Milen Iliev works as a geophysicist and reads and writes science fiction by the kilogram. Born in Sofia, grew up in Sofia and then did some more growing up in Bremen, where he now lives, he is a passionate Eurofederalist, even when the EU tries to regulate the curvature of his bananas. Active in politics on the national and European level, passionate about climate change, human rights and the Internet. Twitter: @miln40

Pissing off Europeans for dummies

You know at E&M we want Europe to be a happy, love-filled place. But ...

The EU through the fantasticist looking glass

Could the EU become a Communist Federation? Read what Sci-fi authors have been speculating. ...


Eutopia: Europe Without Christmas

When December rolled around, nobody went crazy, which was very unusual. The reason was ...


Eutopia: Europe without privacy

Europe without privacy, is opt-in pornography the start of liberty’s decline? What would Europe ...

Flop European: Volen Siderov

No longer just a political joke as he used to be, Volen Siderov is ...