Ana-Christina Gaeta retro

Ana-Christina is from Mexico. She studied Anthropology and received her Masters in International Development. She spent nearly 10 years of her life in Europe, between studying in Amsterdam and later working in Brussels. Ana-Christina is an environmental advocate and writer, with a passion for all things related to food. In her blog The Cookie Project, she writes about issues related to the food chain and advocates for a transition to plant-based lifestyle.

The human pandemic

As Covid-19 dominates newsreels, parliaments, and our collective consciousness, Ana-Christina Gaeta reminds us of ...

International Schools: Culture shaming your way to normal

E&M’s Ana-Christina Gaeta reflects on growing up in the International School system, and whether ...

Ditch the Label: A call to unite all food activists

With increasing climate marches and strikes taking place across the world, more people are ...

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Hippocrates would be so disappointed

  Like most people, I do not particularly enjoy hospital visits. Aside from the ...

The unifying enemy

This post is not original. I have written about this before, but the Trumpado ...


The future is circular

CIRCULAR ECONOMY – Whether you have heard the term or not, once you do, ...

The Future of Food Waste in the EU – Where to?

Food is for eating Most children in the West have at some point heard ...

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Why is it so difficult to care about Climate Change?

Let’s talk about climate change. A phenomenon so big that although most of us ...