Issue #60

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What will the French presidential elections from April 2020 mean for the country? How is Social Media contributing to a rise in plastic surgeries? Our current issue covers these and other topics: Read a portrait of the Belarusian band Molchat-Doma and discover new travel destinations in Maremma.

Feature photo by Ave Calvar Martinez

France: NUPES and the Unlikely but Thrilling Possibility of a Prime Minister Mélenchon

Will Macron finally face concrete opposition from the left? What could this mean? E&M ...


Nose Jobs and TikTok: How Social Media is Contributing to a New Rise in Plastic Surgery

Body positivity, rhinoplasty, a trip to Turkey? E&M author Alara Yılmaz explores the paradoxical ...

Post-punk from the New East: Molchat Doma’s dystopian sound on dystopian ground

Post-punk acts tend to draw inspiration from other historical eras to evade, but Molchat ...

Hidden Gems of the Maremma

With summer finally getting closer, it’s time to start thinking of discovering new places. ...